Monday, 4 February 2008

An interactive whiteboard for under £50 using a Wiimote Part 4

In the previous entries to my blog I have explained the following

1. The Wiimote interactive project

2. The paring of the Wiimote to the Bluetooth on my PC

3. How to make the Infra red pen

In this final installment I have made a short video to demonstrate how to set up the interactive whiteboard with a laptop and an LCD projector

Apologies for the poor video quality. I used Camtasia Studio to create the video and then produced it as a Windows Media file. I also produced a Quicktime file which was better quality, but the file size was 2.5 times larger, so I have stayed with the wmv file

Please feel free to contact me if you are keen to have a go yourself

Many thanks to Johnny Chung Lee for creating the software that lets you use the Wiimote like this

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