Friday, 18 January 2008

An interactive whiteboard for under £50 using a Wiimote

The Wiimote is quite interesting in that it has an infrared sensor that is more than just a receiver like those on your TV. I have not looked too much into the detail but I have not seen anything like this before

Nintendo augmented the remote with an infrared image sensor on the front designed to locate two IR beacons within the controller's field of view.

These two sources of IR light are tracked by a sensor in the front of the Wiimote housing. By tracking the locations of these two points in the sensors 2D field of view, the system can derive more accurate pointing information.

More information can be found here

We thought we would have a go at making an interactive whiteboard ourselves.

If you're interested here are the steps to hopefully bring success:

1. The video showing how it works

2. How to make an IR pen

3. List of working bluetooth adaptors

4. List of parts from Farnell (Could not find what I wanted at Maplin)

5. A Wiimote from Argos

I'll blog about how we get on in time

If anyone in the UK has made one I'd be interested to know how you got on

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